Steve B (24 Apr 2012)
"To Patti C.and Doves, when the 2 witnesses shall witness; also the flow of the tribulation"

Hello Patti, fellow dove and watchers.  May the Lord grant you the wisdom and understanding you seek.  This has turned out much longer than I intended....but there is a lot of good information for rapture watchers if you are willing to stick it out and read.  I am no prophet, but God has shown me much....and I'm just passing it along.
The easiest way to determine when the 2 witnesses appear is to use an old military technique called backwards planning.  Since Revelations 11:3 tells us they shall witness one thousand two hundred and threescore (1260) days, then we can look at the timeperiod they are killed and backtrack.  The rest of this chapter gives us the details of their death. I will break it down for you, but first let me show how the last days scenario plays out to include the tribulation period.  Doing it this way will allow you to see how it all fits together.
Before we get into the details of chapter 11, may we note that this timeperiod of 42 months or 1260 days or 3.5 years is exactly one half a 7 year period under the rules of God's sacred calendar....a year being 12 months of 30 days each, totalling 360 days.  No matter which way this time period is written, it is the same length of time which represents......times, time and half a time... or... times, time and the dividing of time
To understand Revelations and its order, one needs to go back to Genesis one.   In creation week, note right up front that God speaks of dividing....and this chapter is all about time (7 days or 7000 years of it).  God divided the day and the night, giving Jesus (light) rule over the day and Satan (darkness) rule over the night.  In particular, it is about the right to rule and divide (judge) and the alloted time period God sets to solve the rebellion in his kingdom......for no Kingdom can remain divided.
Day 4 (Genesis 1: 14-19), the day God created the physical lights of the universe, is set preeminent in this figure of 7.  God said they (the sun, moon and stars) were for signs, for seasons, for days and for years, i.e. they were a  celestial calendar.  You can bet appointed days were set...for scripture says there is a day for everything.   Cloaked in this setting, God indicates who is going to win the battle for right to rule and divide....for the sun represents the Son of God and  the moon represents the bride of Christ who will rule alongside him.  Note, the moon does not have her own light, but reflects the light of the sun....and God here gives the moon power to rule over darkness (Satan's kingdom).  The die was cast right here....on day 4.     
It sets the stage for all prophecy to follow.   We see the preeminent 4 in this figure of 7 not only in the design of creation week, but in the Mennorah which lit the inner tabernacle (Exodus 25: 31-40) and in the 7 candles before the throne in in which Jesus is seen standing in the midst, i.e. the middle or cardinal midpoint 4 position (Revelations 1: 12-13).  Further, in vs 20, we see these 7 candles represent the 7 churches....and there is a mystery about this design. 
This symbolic picture continues in Revelations, a story of 3 sets of 7.  We know that Jesus came to this earth and died for our sins at the end of the 4th milleniel day.  I will further add, that he did not die on a Friday as the Catholic church led us to believe...but, just as God planned from the the end of the 4th day of the week.....just as set forth in creation week.   John 19: 31 gives the clue....the day that followed Jesus' death was a High Sabbath.  It was not a regular 7th day Sabbath, for it was the High Sabbath Feast Day of Passover.  In effect, Jesus was in the ground a fully complete 3 nights and 3 days.....partials did not count.  When Mary came to his grave it was still dark....and Jesus was already risen (sometime in the guess around midnight).  
In Revelations 11, we see the 2 witnesses lie dead in the streets of Jerusalem for 3.5 days before they are resurrected.  I will tell you that just like Jesus.....they will be killed at the end of the 4th day and arise on a Sunday, though this one will be a Pentecost Sunday.  This pattern is just never broken in effect it is the story of Ecclesiastes 1:9, (paraphrased) what has been is that which shall be, what has been done is that which will be done, there is no new thing under the sun.
Follow the pattern through and it will tell you which feast is associated with the rapture of the bride, even what day of the week to expect the midnight cry.  I will tell you the 7 Week Feast of Weeks (about first fruits) which envelops all the spring feasts is arranged in this exact pattern.....down to the day..... if you arrange the events understanding Jesus died (the lamb was killed) on the 4th day.
By the way, following is 44 days ( a double 4) from the killing of the lamb to ascension day (inclusive count).  I have found that the "double" symbol is highly significant in end time events.  It should then also be of note that this late spring will be the end of the 44th fully complete stripe (anniversary) of the sign of the fig tree.
The battle over right to rule in Revelations continues.... the pattern is not broken.  The 2 beasts come to power at the end of the 4th Seal, following the 4th horse (Revelations 6:8).  (Rev 6: 9-11 describe the trials and deaths of the tribulation saints).  The entire period of the rule of the 2 beasts are the 5th, 6th and 7th Seals.  But, the second beast comes to power at the end of the 4th trumpet.  His rule is the 5th, 6th and 7th trumpets called the Woes. 
The preeminent 4 in the midst of the 7 is a strong, strong prophetic pattern.  Even look at the English language and western alphabet....the English language being the new language promised to Joseph's descendents and now the accepted international language.  This is all no accident by the author of the languages.  The alphabet has 26 letters.  I'm not kicking gematria, it has its place, but just simply number each letter 1-26.  I think it God's simple pattern for us common folks.  The value of God is 26, but the first letter holds the value of 7 and the last letter the value of 4Jesus = 74, the vowels = 26Joshua ( a Jesus foreshadow) = 74Lucifer (I told you it was about the battle for right to rule) = 74 Cross = 74. Not only that, you can physically see the design of the cross in the number 4.  It is the cross which is central to this whole plan not only about man's salvation, but also about right to rule.
Just for grins.....Christ = 77, the vowel holding the place value of 9.  6 represents man, but immortal (incorruptible) man is represented by the 9 (a rotated 6).  By the way, rapture adds to 99 (a double nine).   Note that Second Passover, the feast about the bride and groom originates in Numbers 9.  The bride is first found (seen around the throne) in Revelations 5:9 and the tribulation saints are seen in heaven in Revelations 7:9
The 77 (a double 7) of Christ has great end time meaning as well, representing 2 sets of 7 years.  The first is the 7 year curse of Leviticus 26 (the laws of blessing and cursing) upon Ephraim (the USA).....she who received the last days birthrite blessing and who now has fallen away from her God.  The second set is the 7 year reign of the 2 beasts, the curse upon the rest of the nations of the world.  God always punishes his own house first, then the rest of the nations of the world.  It is just how he operates and this is consistent throughout the OT.  
It will also represent 2 sets of 7 days in the events (yes, plural) of the rapture....for this event will unfold over time (no sudden disappearance).  All ascensions are seen (just as the return of the saints are seen by men in Revelations 1:7.  It is only the changing of the living to incorruptible (immortal) that happens in the twinkling of an eye (1 Corinthians 15: 50-53).   The clouds (plural) of 1 Thessalonians 4: 17 are 2 clouds of ascensions....far enough apart in time to be seen as separate clouds. 
The midnight cry of the resurrection and ascension of the dead in Christ (first cloud) is the event which alerts the living virgins.  This begins this Second Passover event.  This is followed by 7 days of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, a time period of praise, spiritual cleansing and renewal.  At the end of this feast will be the changing for the wise virgins.  7 days later (inclusive counting) will be the ascension of the living wise bride....on a Thursday (just like Jesus) evening just after sunset (twilight and technically Friday by God's calendar).   Genesis 25: 63 is the foreshadow here.  10 days after this....and on a Pentecost Sunday....will be an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the left behind who prepare and ask.  This is an emphatic promise found in Luke 11: 5-13, note the bread in vs 13 is identified as the Holy Spirit.
The time period in the Feast of Weeks from Second Passover to Pentecost is exactly the number of days to allow this 7 days and 7 days for the rapture of the bride and then 10 more days to the Holy Spirit outpouring on a Pentecost Sunday.  The Second Passover celebration of Hezekiah in 2 Chronicles 30 is the pattern.  It and the parable of 10 virgins are the same pattern...with Second Passover giving us the day count between events.  We see here there are those clean and sanctified and those not (the worthy and the lukewarm...the wise and foolish).  We also see many in Ephraim and Manasseh laugh the messengers to scorn....but some nevertheless show up.   Pluggin in that Jesus died (the lamb was slain) on a day 4 Wednesday, making Passover technically Thursday....we can compute that the midnight cry of Second Passover happens on a Sabbath day, i.e. sometime between sunset on Friday and sunset on Saturday.  It would be wise to keep the Sabbath holy.  Grin.  
This last event (the Holy Spirit outpouring) of the rapture of the bride sequence (it has 4 parts) is the white horse that rides at the opening of the first seal.  The white horse is not the antichrist coming peaceably.  He will not come to power for another 3.5 years....following the 4th seal and 4th horse (the apocalypse).
Everything in Revelations concerning Jesus' government and his saints is described by white.  Jesus is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and end, the first and last.  It is most applicable to the Seals of Revelations.  He opens it with the first move (the first seal, the white horse)....and he closes it with the last move (the 7th trumpet of 7 vials of God's wrath).  Although Satan can do nothing without God's approval....everything in between these 2 events is the work of Satan and his henchmen.  This Holy Spirit outpouring is why the tribulation saints are a multitude to great to number.  Like many preachers have preached....there is going to be a great revival.....and some of them are going to be a part of it.  This revival is not the work of the 2 witnesses....for they will not arrive for roughly 4 years.      
All of this in a later letter, but while we are here.... faith and hope each add to 44 (a double 4).  Nothing is more central to a believer than faith and hope.  Job 11: 6 tells us the Secrets of Wisdom are double to that which is. This has several rapture and end times applications, but note we are this late spring at the end of the fully complete 44th stripe of the sign of the fig tree.  Grin.  We will also be at the midpoint of the 7 year curse of Leviticus 26 upon Ephraim.....a critical times, time and half a time/dividing of time points.  Can't guarantee for God is just too deep.....but this late spring looks very promising. 
Hope you are still with me, but all the above is the groundwork for understanding how Revelations flows.  It has surely been misunderstood by many....but, if you can see the above, you can begin to see its simplicity.              
Note:  Revelations is not in chronological order, but there are references and sufficient detail to put the events in their proper order.  For example, we see the 2 beasts come to power in Revelations 6:8, following the end of the 4th Seal (and following the end of the 4th horse), with verses 9-11 speaking of the trials (including death) of the tribulation saints.  In chapter 12, we see Satan thrown from heaven....with the words "woe to the inhabitants of the earth"....indicating the beginning of the Woes (5th, 6th and 7th trumpets).  This is the 1260 day reign of the Satan embodied 2nd beast.   In chapter 10 we see a really hot exchange between Jesus (the voice of 7 trumpets) and hot the words were not to be written.  This is just prior to the Vials of God's wrath (the 7th trumpet).
In chapter 11, we see the timeperiod of the 2 witnesses and their death....but, their death is in the timeperiod of the 2nd Woe (6th trumpet)....the timeperiod of the 2nd beast.  The majority of their visit is though in the reign of the first beast.  I think Elijah battles the antichrist and false prophet much as he did King Ahab and Jezebel.  In chapter 13, we see the 42 month reign of the first beast (5th, 6th and 7th Seals up to the end of the 4th trumpet).  In chapter 17, we see more info on the first beast and how he comes to power via the strength and power of the 10 horns.
May I add, we have the 10 horns with us today...remaining moreless hidden, but working behind and controlling the political scenes.  They sit atop the financial and commercial empire, as well as own and control the media and press.  They have for some time (at least since the killing of the Kennedy's) been responsible for those put in positions of power (political and otherwise). It is they who control elections and events.  Simply, in this world, money is power.   
You get the idea.  Revelations is just not in chronological order, but sufficient detail is provided that men can sort it all out.  The next area which provides confusion is just how long is the tribulation?  Well, that depends on just what you are trying to call the tribulation.  The events that Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24 (also Mark 13 and Luke 21) envelop the entire period of the Seals of Revelations.  The entire length of the Seals, Trumpets and Vials are actually some 10 plus years (I see about 10.5 years).  Revelations 2: 10 testifies to this. 
As  this tribulation time is broken into 3 groups (Seals, Trumpets and Vials), it is also broken into 3 sets of.... times, time and half a time increments (3.5 years/42 months/1260 days).  This time though is not divided equally among the Seals, Trumpets and Vials, but the division follows along the 7 and 4 pattern mentioned earlier....over the right to rule (when each beast comes to power).   The last 2 sets of time are clear for they are the 7 year time period of the 2 beasts each reigning 42 months or 1260 days.
Since Revelations 6:8 testifies to the 2 beasts coming to power at the end of the 4th Seal, following the 4th horse....that leaves the apocalypse of the 4 horses to be then roughly a 3.5 year time period.  Again, this period is about the battle over the right to rule.  It is here that the 10 horns of Revelations 17 cause the red, black and pale horses to ride....symbolizing war, famine/rationing and pestilence/death.  The purpose here is to get the nations of the world so terrified they are willing to give up their national sovereignty and submit to a global government.  Man has not had such since the attempt at Babel.  When it is established, it is the 10 horns who give their strength and power to the beast (whom they appoint).  When the second beast takes over....these 10 horns slip badly in the power.  Daniel 7: 20 & 24 tells us this beast will subdue (make fall) 3 of these horns. 
Where we are in this prophetic pattern is coming up on (this late spring, maybe early summer) the 3.5 year point of the 7 year curse of Leviticus 26 upon Ephraim (the USA).....i.e. the halfway point of the first 7 of these 2 sets of 7 years.    This should point to some major event..... I expect the rapture of the bride followed by the opening of the Seals of Revelations.
Let's get an overview of these last 14 years (2 sets of 7 years).  The first 3.5 years of the curse of Leviticus 26 upon Ephraim is not part of the tribulation as such, not part of the Seals of Revelations.  Nevertheless, for those of us here, the USA has economically slid badly.  It should be obvious our leadership is corrupt beyond salvage.  From the President, to both branches of Congress to our judges....none support and defend our Constitution to which they took an oath.  Frankly, I see the General Officer corps lacking too.  They are all self serving.  Forget their words and their imagery.....just look at their fruits.
If I am right, this late spring will the the rapture of the bride and the opening of the Seals of Revelations.  From this late spring until the fall some 3.5 years from now will be the second half of this 7 year curse, but also the timeperiod of the apocalypse of the first 4 horses.  In the fall of 2015 the global government should be formed and the 10 horns will put the antichrist (first of the 2 beasts in charge).   The antichrist (scripture calls him Death) will confirm the agreement which divides Jerusalem and makes the nation state man calls Israel give up her disputed lands. Isaiah 28: 14-18 tells us Ephraim is a force behind this dividing of Jerusalem.  It is why USA is in the middle of the name.  God tells us Ephraim will be trodden down by it.  The 2 beasts then rule 7 years, each for exactly half. 
The big picture is the 2 sets of 7 years are divided into 4 sets of .....times, time and half a time (1/2 of 7 year time periods, i.e. 3.5 year periods, 42 months or 1260 days.  The last 10.5 years (and last 3 sets) are the Seals of Revelations and the last 7 years (last 2 sets) the rule of the 2 beasts.  Revelations 2:10 seemingly call the whole timeperiod of the Seals of Revelations the tribulation.  There is also mention of the last part being the great tribulation.  It is not so clear whether that is the last 7 or last 3.5.
The way I see it is all the Seals time period is bad.  Many men die of war, starvation and pestilence during the 3.5 years of the apocalypse.  While the world may not suffer so much during the reign of the first beast (there is some peace or absence of war).... the tribulation saints are persecuted and killed, eventually all of them.  In the reign of the second beast (the one scripture calls Hell), the rest of the peoples of the world suffer.....except those 144,000 mortals sealed of the tribes of Israel who are hidden and protected in the wilderness.  In general, you could say that like birth pangs....the situation gets progressively worse all way up to Jesus victory over the foe and his return with the saints.  It will get so bad that Jesus declares there has never ever been such tribulation before, nor will there ever be again.  For those left behind, that is sobering. 
Since we are in the midst of the first 7 year period of the curse upon Ephraim, let's take a look at how Ephraim arrived at this point and the many rapture clues hidden in the house of Joseph.  It all begins with the birthright blessings given to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and ultimately which fell to Joseph.  This blessing has a spiritual nature (depicted by the many colored coat), but it is mostly physical, implying great wealth and power.
You could say it has both a spiritual and carnal nature, the carnal representing worldly desires and the spiritual representing Godly desires.  While this is evident between the believer and non believer, we can see that even among the believers in Jesus' letter to the 7 churches....there are those more spiritually oriented (those worthy) and those more worldly orientied (the lukewarm).  Folks.....understand these two groups cannot live together....the carnal cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven.  There is going to be division, not only between the believer and non-believer, but among believers.  The letter to the 7 churches makes this plain.  Yes, there is a second chance...the tribulation saint way....but oh what a fiery trial that will be.  
Joseph and the birthright blessing:   Genesis 49: 1 tells us this blessing is about the last days.  In Genesis 47, we see Jacob blessing the 2 sons of Joseph and their blessing is about the last days....the younger (Ephraim) to become greater than the elder (Manasseh).  The younger was to become a great multitude of nations.  You might think that the British empire, but it has dwindled almost to oblivion.  This description is actually the States of the United Constitution independent nations united, the great power invested in the States, not the Federal government.  It's hard to see that today. 
I don't want to spend too much time on Joseph.....but, it is half the prophetic end time picture.  There are 2 branches of Jacob's descendents since their division following the rule of Solomon.  There was Israel led by Manasseh and Ephraim in the northern kingdom and Judah (along with Benjamin) in the southern kingdom.  The nation state man calls Israel in scripture and God's eyes.....Judah.  Both branches have suffered near 2000 year exiles from their homeland, but both held great promises and are center stage in the world today.  I submit to you.....if God would forsake his promises to them (even though they went astray)....would his promise of salvation then be solid to us?  Count on it.....God never breaks his them or us.  1 Chronicles 5: 1-2 tells us it was Joseph who got the birthright blessing.  The greatest part of this last days blessing fell to Ephraim (the USA). 
We can measure the length of this blessing by the amount of time Abraham and his descendents walked as strangers in the land before they went into the promised land.  (Let that last little part stick in you mind....the part about entering the promised is near for the bride).  Genesis 15:13 tells us that it was 400 years.  The first permanent English colony in the new world was Jamestown, founded May 1607.  This blessing then existed until the 401st stripe in May 2008.  The last 40 years ran concurrent with the first 40 years of the sign of the fig tree in the branch of Judah (nation state man calls Israel).  At this point, the President of the USA was GW Bush (Bush #2), in his second term...and the 110th Congress was in session.
Keep in mind the symbol of the bush.  Luke 6:43-44 says it is a corrupt fruit tare.  In Exodus, the burning bush was seen by Moses as a bush that was burning but not consumed.  An angel spoke to him out of the burning bush and spoke of a coming delieverance for his people.  In Matthew 13, we have the parable of the end of days parable.   First the good seed is gathered into the barn, then the tares (includes the bush) will be gathered together and burned (this time consumed in the flames).  In Luke 20: 35-38 we see a description of the coming resurrection of the dead.  It is a reverse of the original Passover in which the firstborn of Egypt are killed.  Here, the firstborn of Israel (those in Christ) are raised from the dead.....I am a God of the living, not the dead.   Guess mentions Moses and the bush.  It seemingly has no major point, but just to remind us of the sign. 
The Bush Presidency's (a double) were signs set high and prominent in the branch of Israel led by Joseph (Ephraim, the USA).  The whole world can see this symbol set in the most powerful economic and military nation. This bush thing is also found in Judges 9: 8-15....the parable of the trees....and the bramble bush is the last one following the olive, the fig and the vine.  He threatens the rest if they will not let him rule over them.  The bush is a very strong symbol of a coming deliverance....the rapture of the bride.  It is also a symbol of the coming world government and antichrist.
Ok, if you still think this all a coincidence....let's look at another part of this sign in the house of Ephraim.  It's a double sign concerning the leadership of Ephraim.  Understand, it is the leadership of Ephraim which God has a huge issue.  In various places in scripture, God says of them.....they lead the people astray, they rob the people, they take God away from the children, they are reprobate silver, they are vile and base, and they say peace, peace to their sister Judah, when there is no peace.   At the very same time as the second Bush Presidency...and at the same time as the end of the 400 year blessing...and at the same time as the 40th stripe of the sign of the fig tree set in the branch of Joseph.....set the 110th Congress of the USA.  
Joseph lived an 110 years (Genesis 50:22) and Joseph died at 110 (Genesis 50:26)...a double statement of the death of Joseph.  Joshua (a foreshadow Jesus and he who was selected to lead the children into the Promised Land) was of the tribe of Ephraim....and he died at age 110 (Joshua 24:9).  The house of Joseph was full of doubles...from dreams, to lands, to sons.  In Genesis 41, we see the double dream of the Pharaoh about 7 and 7 kine and 7 and 7 ears of corn.  In vs 32, Joseph tells the Pharaoh..."And for that the dream was doubled unto the Pharoah twice; it is because the thing is established by God, and God will shortly bring it to pass."  The 110th Congress along with the Second Bush Presidency....sitting right on top of the 400th year of the blessing and the 40th anniversary of the sign of the fig tree......well, that is a big set of double signs.....set high and prominent for all the world to see....and involving the 2 branches of the descendents of  Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.    
Besides a strong sign of the coming is also a sign of a spiritual death in the house of Ephraim.  Because our leadership has fallen away from God and his commandments.....we have left the blessing and have fallen under the law curse of Leviticus 26.  This curse began not later than the seating of President Obama and the 111th Congress.  It was foreshadowed by the 7 times (years) curse of Nebuchadnezzar (king of Babylon) in Daniel chapter 4.  He was cursed because of pride. It was said he grew hair as eagles feathers and nails as birds claws....think about our national symbols.  The difference between the two.....Nebuchadnezzar repents and is restored.  Isaiah 28 says Ephraim is drunk with pride and will not repent.
Ezekiel 17: 1-10 is a parable and riddle about Israel (and the USA).  It speaks of a great longwinged eagle (great dominion) with feathers of divers colors.....set in a fruitful land, in a land of traffic (trading), in a city of merchants, placed by great waters, that it might bear fruit and be a goodly vine, etc.  It goes on to tell us of its demise due to an east wind.
Franky, it also sounds much like the great Phoenix eagle of Phoenician origin. Tyre was the capital of this empire....hold on to that for Ezekiel 27 and 28 compares Ephraim to Tyrus.  In the occult circles....and seen on the lapels of the Bush's, Clintons and Obama has been the Phoenix eagle.  The symbology is this Phoenix eagle must die in order to birth a new Phoenix, i.e. the new world order global government.  HW Bush was first to publicly speak of this new world order.  This should tell you why our leadership is spending our currency into oblivion.
Isaiah 28 is a picture of the last 7 years, during the curse.  Note carefully verses 14-18.  Here Ephraim is mentioned as a power which is behind the dividing of the city of Jerusalem (and making Judah give up her disputed lands).  Reckon that is why USA is in the middle of the divides the city.  God says Ephraim will be trodden down by it.  Note, this event is where the antichrist (when he comes to power) confirms the agreement with many.  Death is the first beast (the antichrist) and Hell is the second beast (the Satan embodied false prophet).  
The good thing about Isaiah 28 is I can see the rapture in verse 4-5.  In verse 25, we can see all 3 parts of the first fruits having been gathered in heaven.....the rye as the OT saints, the barley as the bride and the wheat as the tribulation saints....all the first fruits.  
Revelation 18 is nearly identical in structure to the Isaiah 28 passage, except Ephraim is referred to as the daughter of Babylon or commercial Babylon. Here, we can go back to the birthright blessing which Moses gave to Joseph.  Note in Deuteronomy 33:17 that Josephs descendents are in the business of pushing the peoples of the world together......i.e. they are behind pushing the nations into a global in the days of Babel.  The Nebuchadnezzar curse should come to mind as why we are refered to as Babylon.  The good thing.....Deuteronomy 33:16 is a rapture verse, also Revelations 18:4.  Revelations 18: 23 indicates as does Isaiah 28:25....that all the first fruits are gathered in heaven.
Putting all this together concerning the 7 years of the curse of Leviticus 26 upon the house of Joseph (the first of 2 such 7 year periods).....we see a period before the rapture, the rapture, the agreement with Death and Hell concerning the nation state man calls Israel (Judah) and finally all parts of the first fruits gathered into heaven before the final sudden, fiery destruction upon Ephraim which astonishes the world.  What we have is a 7 year curse (likely a fully complete period which takes us up to the 8th anniversary), then a period afterward described as a fearful period in which Ephraim awaits her destruction.  The final fiery destruction is actually a ways past the events of the curse.  The curse though is described as getting progressively worse in stages.....double, double to the double and finally doubled a third time.  We are at the half way point of this curse.....and it is going to get much worse, particularly after the rapture of the bride. 
There is another passage which also describes the USA and the final 7 years.  It is Ezekiel 27 and 28.  Here, the USA is called Tyrus, in the midst of the seas (note plural).  The original Tyre was in the edge of the Mediterrainean off the coast of Lebanon and destroyed by Alexander the Great.....not in one hours time either.  It is a ringer for the US.  Its rowers (founders) followed an east wind (blows west) and landed her in great waters.  These great waters are the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic Oceans as well as the Bering and Carribean Seas.  Further, these scriptures tie us (our leaders) to Lucifer and demonic activity.  The ending is the same as in Isaiah 28 and Revelations 18.  
We are closing in on the half way point of this 7 year curse.  I would expect the rapture of the bride this late spring, immediately followed by the opening of the Seals of Revelations.  The white horse though, is a Holy Spirit outpouring on the left behind which begins a worldwide revival.  It is not the 2 witnesses which lead this revival.  The red, black and pale horses will follow over the next 3.5 years......leading to the nations  to submit their sovereignty to a global government. 
Again, the overall picture is 7 years and 7 years.....God's judgement on his own house first (the curse of Leviticus 26 upon Ephraim) and then his judgment upon the rest of the world (the reign of the 2 beasts).  The last 10.5 years are the Seals of Revelations and the last 7 years the reign of the 2 beasts.  We are coming up on (this late spring) the halfway point of the first 7 year period.  It's time for the rapture of the bride. 
Oh, the question about the time period of the 2 witnesses:  As I pointed out earlier, the easiest way to determine this is by looking backward from their death.  They are here for the same amount of time as the reign of each beast.....a period of ....times, time and half a time (3.5 years, 42months or 1260 days).  In Revelations 11: 7-12 we see that it is the beast who ascends out of the bottomless pit who kills them.  That said, I am not sure whether the Satan embodied false prophet that scripture calls Hell kills them himself or if he has one of his powerful warriors do it for him.....something paralleling Michael who is chief of God's armies.  But, for sure this event happens during the reign of the second beast....for it happens during the time period of the second woe (6th trumpet)...see vs 13.  
Just how far into the second woe the actual deaths (and resurrection along with the trib saints) occur is not so clear.  We know the first woe last 5 months (Revelations 9:10) and the second woe last for one year, one month and one day.  We also do not know for sure if there is any time between the woe trumpets...but it does say they come quickly.  We do know that their death is during this second woe (6th trumpet).....exactly where is not so clear. 
Since they are here 42 months, we can back up and say they show up somewhere in the reign of the first beast, somewhere between 5 months and 18 months from the beginning of his reign.  I submit to you that they will appear in the fall and be killed and resurrected in the late Pentecost time.  
As well, we can safely say....the rapture of the bride is a late spring time event...though there are some stipulations which may stretch events into early summer.  We can also likely say that the 2 beasts come to power in the fall...3.5 years after the rapture of the bride.  We note that all the negotiations concerning the status of Israel's disupted lands have occured during the fall....and we note that the antichrist will confirm the agreement with many when he comes to power.  This leaves the second beast coming to power in the spring, another 3.5 years down the road and it leaves Jesus coming with his saints to set up his milleniel government in the fall....another 3.5 years down the road....probably at the Feast of Trumpets.  
Scripture states though that Satan's rule is cut short.  I submit to you that the battle of Armageddon in which Jesus and his angels (led by Michael) defeat the foe is sometime before Jesus' return with his ruling saints.....possibly 7 months prior.  This 7 months is probably the time period stated as Israel cleaning the land.  
It's closing in on a high watch time period for the rapture of the bride.  Time to be getting ready folks.
Love ya doves.  Yours in Christ,