David Daughtrey (23 Apr 2012)

             Hello Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
               Some thing has just happened, that I want to share with you. In the 1996 rapture vision
            I told you the Holy Spirit took me out in the woods behind my house and showed me the
            rising dead in Christ followed by the living. It was a moon light night, so I was able to rec-
            ognize the pine trees I was standing beside. Now listen carefully, at that date I owned 40
            acres, with in the next several months , my business went under, I had to file bank ruptcy
              In order to keep from loseing everything , I had to sell 30 of the 40 acres, I got to keep
           my home and 10 acres. The 30 acres I sold came up to 200 ft of where I was standing that
           night  in the rapture vision, Two weeks ago the developer  decided to turn the 30 acres into
           a travel trailer park, campers and motor homes, GET THIS.... the night of the rapture vision
           there was no motor homes or campers on my property. I asked him when was the expected
           completion date , he said around X-mas or first of the year.. Folks, the rapture will happen
           before the motor homes set up. I've never cryed wolf, never set any date. I can not tell you
           ascension day, Pentecost ( which is my favorite ) or Rosh.. I'm just telling you to start looking
           for that sphere shaped object in the sky. Oh, don't quit your day job, keep working for Jesus.
              So 2012 looks really ,really  Good
                                                                             God Bless You All.....Brother David Daughtrey