Bruce Warner (7 Apr 2012)

Dear Doves,
Here is how you can tell the difference between when Jesus is coming to rapture His Church/bride, and when He is coming at His Second Coming at the end of the tribulation.
Everytime Jesus is described, in the Scriptures, as coming on the clouds with angels He is coming to rapture His Church/bride. We will meet Him in the air on that Day. The one time He is described as coming on a white horse with His armies of faithful and chosen following Him is when He is coming at His Second coming at the end of the tribulation.
You will look up and lift up your heads to see Jesus coming on the clouds with His angels  to rapture you, but you had better be on a white horse following Jesus on that Day of His Second Coming because If you are still here on the earth that day when Jesus comes on a white horse that means that you were not raptured.
Come Lord Jesus, on the clouds with Your angels!
Bruce Warner