Lora Shipley (9 Apr 2011)
"More New Videos for the 14 Clue - Rapture Time-Frame: Clues 4 Daniel, Clue 5 King David, Clue 6 Ruth"

14 Clues to the Rapture Time-Frame Videos

New Updated Material

Watch Video Clues at

Dear Family in Christ,

Here are some more videos to the 14 Clues Rapture Time-frame, Last year I presented the 14 Clues Study to you, the last few months I have put them on Powerpoint, and video. Sorry for some link problems with a few of them... that is why the order is a little off! Anyways, here is Clues 4, 5 and 6, description below. Be blessed, keep your eyes on Passover, and Firstfruits! ~ Lora

VIDEO on Clues 4 Daniel Clue 5 King David
 Both these Clues confirm the "generation of man" and the time-frame of "feast of weeks".

Clue 6 Ruth the Barley Gentile Bride click here

Ruth is a similitude for the Bride of Christ, many patterns, and similitudes found in Ruth that confirm the time-frame of the barley harvest...
as well as Clue 7- The Blue print Pattern for Bride of Christ... helping bring in the wheat harvest!


14 Clues to the Rapture Time-frame-

Clues 1 Enoch, Clues 2 Noah, Clues 3 Moses & Joshua

Clues 7 Jesus- The Third Day- A 40 Day Blue Print Pattern By Jesus For the Bride 


Be the Bride!
Be the Loaf of Barley!

Lora Shipley

Please note, many of my studies have insights, I do not consider them doctrine; in many of  them I am asking the question, making comparisons and trying to put the pieces to the puzzle together. All  my studies are based on scripture and patterns that have been established in his word. I hope you are blessed.


Rev 1:7 Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they [also] which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.

Blessed is the man that heareth me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors. Proverbs 8:34