Kevin Heckle (3 Sep 2009)
"HUSSEIN's number is 666 (and OTHER Barack Obama 666 values)"


       English Total Gematria = 666+666+666 OR 1998

       Greek Ordinal 1-1 Gematria = (6+6+6)+(6x6x6) OR 234

       Greek Reduced = (6^2)+(6^2) OR 72

Greek 6-6 = 6+66+666+666 OR 1404!

       Sum and difference = 711 (not sixes but related to the beastly number 666 triangular satellite  of 171)  117, 171, 711


       Greek Ordinal Gematria 6-6 = 6+66+666 OR 738

       Reduced Greek Gematria = 6+6+6+6+6+6+6 = 42

       English-Hebrew Ordinal 6-6 Total = 816 (816 is the sum of 666's proper divisors!)

       English Total = 3^6 = 729

       Hebrew Reduced Gematria (BO 2nd) = 66


       English values  36, 216, 117, 18

       English Ordinal 1-1 = 6^2 OR 36

o   36T = 666

o   -+++ (315) & +++- (351) sum is 666

       English Ordinal 6-6 = (6x6x6) = 6^3 = 216

       English Reduced = (6+6+6)

       English Standard = ((6x6x6)+(6+6+6))/2 = 117

Interesting fact:  The sum total of the first 36 triangular numbers 1-666 = 8436.  8436/36 = 234.333!        234+432=666              

BARACK-BARACK = 234 OR 432 (Stand.=117 Ord. 6-6=216   117+216=333)


       Greek Ordinal 6-6 Gematria = 666


       Hebrew Standard Gematria = (6+6+6)+(6+6+6)+(6+6+6)