Bob Ware (12 Feb 2009)
"Gematrias for 'Barack Hussein Obama' yield Greek gematrias for: CHRIST, JESUS CHRIST and LORD JESUS CHRIST"

John, I think you will find the new discoveries interesting - Bob
I am speechless, Bob!
This is a continuation from yesterday's post:
Quick review:

‘Prime’ numbers are only evenly divisible by themselves and 1. All the remaining numbers are the ‘composite’ numbers. In the range from 1 to 78 there are 22 prime numbers. The sum of these first 22 prime numbers (713) is the prime number gematria of ‘JESUS CHRIST’ (as derived from the Greek spelling). The sum of the remaining 56 composite numbers is 2368. This is the Greek gematria of ‘JESUS CHRIST’. The last three words of Genesis 1:1 are ‘heaven and earth’. The composite number gematria for ‘heaven and earth’ is 713. The composite number gematria for ‘Masonic Symbols’ is also 713 and the prime number gematria is 1996.


There are two sets of ASCII codes for the 26 letters of the English alphabet. The values 65 to 90 are assigned to the 26 uppercase letters ‘A’ to ‘Z’ and the values 97 to 122 are assigned to the 26 lowercase letters ‘a’ to ‘z’. Since there are two sets of ASCII codes for the 26 English letters I assigned the first 26 prime numbers to the uppercase letters and the next 26 prime numbers to the lowercase letters. I did the same thing for the composite numbers. Thus, there are 78 different values assigned to uppercase letters and another 78 values assigned to the lowercase letters.


The sum of the composite number gematrias for ‘President Obama’ is 666.


The first word ‘President’ is: 26+63+46+64+51+45+46+57+65 = 463. The second word ‘Obama’ is: 25+42+40+56+40 = 203. 203 is the gematria for ‘created’ which is the second word in Genesis 1:1. The composite number gematria for ‘STAR OF DAVID’ is also 203. The sum of the ASCII codes for ‘Star of David’ is 1111.


New discoveries:


Again, there are three possible ASCII code gematrias for a word: all uppercase letters, title case combination and then all lowercase letters.


            ‘Barack Hussein Obama’ > ASCII code sum equals: 1795

            ‘BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA’ > gematria from the first (uppercase) set of 26 primes equals: 456

            ‘barack hussein obama’ > gematria from the second (lowercase) set of 26 composite numbers equals: 917


                        1795 + 456 + 917 equals: 3168 > the Greek gematria of ‘LORD JESUS CHRIST’


            ‘Barack Hussein’ > ASCII code sum equals: 1315

            ‘BARACK HUSSEIN’ > gematria from the first (uppercase) set of 26 primes equals: 372

            ‘barack hussein’ > gematria from the second (lowercase) set of 26 composite numbers equals: 681


                        1315 + 372 + 681 equals: 2368 > the Greek gematria for ‘JESUS CHRIST’


            ‘Barack’ > applying both sets ASCII codes equals: 580

            ‘Barack’ > applying both sets of primes equals: 653

            ‘Barack’ > applying both sets of composites equals: 247


                        580 + 653 + 247 equals: 1480 > the Greek gematria of ‘CHRIST’


                                    1480 is the sum of the entire second set of 26 composite numbers.