Bob Ware (26 Oct 2009)
"Barack Hussein Obama (793) linked to 2009 by blue stone 2220"

John - the composite numbers do make this single stone very significant - Bob.
Thanks, Bob!
In the 'Genesis 1:1 Pyramid' blue stone 2220 is vertical black stone 1427 (when counted from right to left and bottom up to the top). This is red stone 482.
        2220 - 1427 = 793 (English gematria of 'BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA')
When you fill the Genesis 1:1 Pyramid from 'left to right/bottom to top' and then 'right to left/top to bottom' with the first 2701 composite numbers, this same stone holds the two composite numbers: 590 and 2599.
        2599 - 590 = 2009
        1427 + 590 = 2017 > center blue stone of the center row number 37 (2220 = 60 x 37)
The Hebrew gematria of 'BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA' is 501.
        1427 + 501 = 4 x 482
1427 + 726 (Greek roster number for 'HARPAZO') = 2153 > the sum of the ASCII codes for 'John Fitzgerald Kennedy'. See my earlier post for the unique appearance of this number 2153: 
Greek word 2153: ευσεβως eusebos {yoo-seb-oce'} from 2152;; adv AV - godly 2; 2 1) piously, godly
2368 (JESUS CHRIST) - 1427 = 941 > the 4th corner of the 'Prime Cube'. Its 4 corners total 2010.
When 1427 is the sum of the perimeters of a circumscribed: triangle, square and golden rectangle then the perimeter of the golden rectangle is 480. 480 is the sum of the ASCII codes for 'Obama' and it is also the diameter of each of the seven circles within the 'Circle of Time'. One 'circle/Earth orbit' for each year of the Tribulation. The arc opposite one short side of this golden rectangle plus the arc opposite one side of the square total 234. The 1427th day after the date that falls at the top of the 'Circle of Time' (12.21.2005) will be 11.17.2009. Please see my earlier post for the significant markers for the two simultaneous dates: 11.16.2009 and 11.17.2009 > 
Hebrew word 1427:
גדיאל Gaddiy'el {gad-dee-ale'} from 01409 and 0410;; n pr m AV - Gaddiel 1; 1 Gaddiel = "God is my fortune" 1) the spy from the tribe of Zebulun sent by Moses to spy out the land of Canaan
Greek word 1427:
δωδεκα dodeka {do'-dek-ah} from 1417 and 1176; TDNT - 2:321,192; n indecl AV - twelve 72; 72 1) twelve 1a) the twelve apostles of Jesus, so called by way of eminence