John Tng (11 Feb 2006)
"The Secrets of the Trinity!"

The key to the Trinity is the number eight! This is really surprising, don't you think? The number eight is the golden key that unlocks the secrets of the Trinity and the Bible. There are eight feasts altogether. The 8th feast -- the 8th day of Tabernacles -- led me down the path of discovery to a truth so simple yet profound. (Please read my article on The Eight Feasts of the Lord for background.)

I believe there are 8 feasts of the Lord, 8 'I AM's and 8 temple articles. Furthermore, the Bible can be divided into 8 groups of books, the last group being the last eight books from James to Revelation. One can find the eight feasts (by extension the 8 I AMs and 8 temple articles) hidden in the last eight books in the same order! Passover in James, Unleavened Bread in 1 Peter etc.

The table below summarizes my discovery in a nutshell:
The 8th Day
(Rev 21/22)
Parallel in Creation
Musical Octave

The Holy
(2000 cu3)

Of God



I AM the Bread of Life Shewbread Day 1
I AM the Light of the World Lampstand Day 2

(John 2:19)
I AM the Door of the Sheep Veil Day 3
(3rd Day)


(Jn 14:16)

I AM the Good Shepherd Golden Altar Day 4

The Most
Holy Place
(1000 cu3)

Of God



I AM the Resurrection & the Life Manna Day 5
I AM the Way, the Truth & the Life Stone tablets Day 6


I AM the True Vine Aaron’s Rod Day 7
8th Day
I AM ARK Day 1/
Day 8


Before the secrets of the Trinity can be unveiled, the number eight must first be understood. Notice there are four sets of eight: 1) Eight feasts of the Lord. 2) Eight 'I AM" declarations in the Gospel of John. 3) Eight temple articles. 4) The octave of feast days. Amazingly, these four octaves have their corresponding parallels in creation -- rainbow, light, musical octave, octave of feast days respectively.

There are seven colors in a rainbow. However, when all seven colors are combined, the 8th color white is resulted. These eight colors correspond to the eight feasts of the Lord. (See David Jone's post at

Water is essential for the existence of all life on Earth. Rainbow is a sign of God's goodness in providing life-sustaining water for all life on Earth -- man, animals and vegetation. Israel's economy in the Old Testament was agricultural. In God's original scheme of things, man was supposed to feed on crops and fruits (Gen 1:29) and animals are supposed to feed on grass and plants (Gen 1:30). Since man and animals depend on vegetation, without water all life on earth is just not possible. Truly, water is essential for the existence of all life on Earth. The eight feasts are God's appointed feasts for man to bring to God his harvest (crops and fruits) and animal sacrifice, as an act of worship and redemption, as well as thanksgiving for God's bountiful provision.

Next we examine the second octave whose parallel is light. The second octave consists of eight spoken words of the Lord Jesus from the Gospel of John. These eight spoken words of the Lord are the Word of God. In Ps 119:105 we learn that God's Word is light, "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Hence, the appropriate parallel in creation to the Word of God is light. The 8 Words of Christ are truth and light.

Just like colors, 'white' light consists of seven 'colors' -- seven frequencies of the visible spectrum. Indeed, the rainbow phenomenon is caused by droplets of rain water splitting the visible spectrum into seven colors. Although our ability to 'see' colors is due to the property of light, yet colors and light are not one the same thing. While white color is visible, white light is invisible. White light is considered the 8th frequency in our analogy.

The third octave is the eight temple articles whose parallel is the musical octave. Music is an integral part of temple worship. Thus, the musical octave is an appropriate parallel to the octave of temple objects.

Finally, the fourth octave in creation, the octave of feast days, points to the endless days to come. Interestingly, the 8th items of the first and last octaves are both the 8th Day! Once the 7th Millennial rule of King Jesus is completed, the 8th Millennium, i.e. the 8th Day, will usher in the eternal Kingdom of God for ever and ever!

The Secrets of the Trinity!

The secrets of the Trinity are concealed in the four symbols of the 8th Day of Tabernacles -- water, light, Temple and eternity! These four symbols appear in Revelation chapters 21 and 22, in which the Apostle John recorded for us the start of eternity in the Eighth Day. The Holy Spirit manifests as the River of Water of Life, proceeding out of the throne of the Father and of the Son (Rev 22:1). The Holy Spirit manifests as the Light of God, radiating from the Father and the Son (Rev 21:23). The Holy Spirit manifests as the Temple of the Living God (2 Cor 6:16), the Temple of the Father and of the Son (Rev 21:22).

John presents the first three symbols in this order: Temple (Rev 21:22), Light (Rev 21:23) and Water (Rev 22:1). The fourth symbol -- the symbol of eternity, is recorded in Rev 22:5. In this Scripture, the Holy Spirit -- His Servant, is seen offering eternal service to the Father and the Son, through the servants of God indwelt by the Spirit Himself.

The symbols of water, light and Temple point to God's omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence. These three attributes of God also correspond to body, soul and spirit. God's Spirit is everywhere. The Temple of the Holy Spirit signifies omnipresence because the worshipper of God worships God in spirit and in truth (John 4:23). The worshipper is not bound by space, "neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem," (John 4:21) in their worship of God.

The symbol of light points to God's omniscience since light has to do with knowledge and God is all-knowing. Our ignorance is dispelled by light "for God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." (2 Cor 4:6) Knowledge is incorporeal and it resides in the mind, the soul part of man.

The symbol of water surprisingly points to God's omnipotence since it sustains all flesh. Unlike knowledge, flesh is corporeal, of a material nature, pertaining to the body -- the bodies of man, beasts and birds. It is with regards to all flesh that the sign of rainbow, i.e. the symbol of water, was covenanted between God and all flesh as recorded in Gen 9:16. Ironically the same water that sustains all flesh destroyed all flesh in the flood save eight persons. These eight persons coupled with the eight colors of the rainbow suggest new life, new beginning.

Strength resides in the body. To sustain all flesh, it requires omnipotence. Knowledge and understanding resides in the mind. To know all minds and fathom every mystery, it requires omniscience. There is a God-shaped vacuum in every spirit that can only be filled by the Omnipresent Spirit of God.

The table below summarizes these concepts discussed so far:
The 8th Day
(Rev 21/22)
Parallel in Creation
God's Attributes
Alpha & Omega
Image of the Trinity


It is interesting the symbol of infinity, , is the horizintal version of the symbol 8. Since God is without limit, everything about Him is infinite. Omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence point to His infinite power, infinite knowledge and infinite presence. Is there any wonder the blessed Name of Jesus has a Greek gematria of 888? The Lord Jesus connects God above and man below with the vertical symbol of 8. The Cross of Jesus Christ is an amazing amalgam of the vertical symbol 8 and the horizontal symbol . The horizontal beam of the Cross points to the Alpha and the Omega -- the Everlasting God -- the Beginning and the End. The horizontal beam of the Cross represents the timeline of all history from the beginning of time to the end of the 7000 years.

The four octaves all convey the notion of infinity. However, only the fourth octave conveys eternity, endless time and everlastingness. Time indeed is the 4th dimension. It acts as a modifier to the first three octaves, transforming them from mere omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence to eternal omnipotence, eternal omniscience and eternal omnipresence.

A being who is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent need not be a good god! Can you guess the missing cell in the above table next to Body, Soul and Spirit? Have we not read God is LOVE (1 John 4:8)? And LOVE is everlasting! The Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Cor chapter 13 all things shall pass away, but three things abideth: faith, hope and love. And the greatest is LOVE! Of the three eternal things, LOVE is the greatest.

Our God is not just omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent (a ruthless cosmic despot may possess these attributes), but He is also LOVE personified. His love is eternal and He changes not.

Because LOVE is the greatest, the greatest commandment is: "And thou shalt love[love] the LORD thy God with all thine heart[spirit], and with all thy soul[soul], and with all thy might[body]." (Deut 6:5)

We saw in the above, the Father, the Son and the Spirit are present in each of the four symbols. On yet another level, the first symbol, water, points to the Father. The second symbol, light, points to the Son. The third symbol, Temple, points to the Spirit. The fourth symbol, eternity, points to the Trinity.

Omnipotence points to the Almighty God the Father. Omniscience points to the Son, the Word made flesh (John 1:14). Omnipresence points to the Holy Spirit -- "the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth." (Rev 5:6) All Three Persons of the Godhead are everlasting, which was, and is, and is to come.

What are our unsearchable riches in Christ, beloved? It is this. We, the Body of Christ, having received the Word of Christ, indwelt by the Spirit of Christ, offer our eternal service of love to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God (1 Tim 1:17).

The 8th Day
(Rev 21/22)
Parallel in Creation
God's Attributes
Alpha & Omega
Image of the Trinity
Deu 6:5)
Unsearchable Riches
in Christ
Body of Christ
Word of Christ
Spirit of Christ
Service to God


Eight is One+Three and One+Three: The TRINITY!

Our God is Three-in-One and One-in-Three! It explains why one of the greatest scriptures on LOVE is 1Cor 13:13! Is it any wonder the Hebrew gematria for UNITY and LOVE is also 13? There is perfect unity and love in the Trinity.

The first three octaves are organized in this manner: 3+1, 3+1. The spring feasts are clearly divided into three feasts (Passover, Unleavened, Firstfruits) and one feast (Pentecost). The fall feasts are likewise divided into three feasts (Trumpets, Atonement, Tabernacles) and one feast (the 8th Day). The four temple objects in the most holy place are divided into three objects (manna, tablets, Aaron's rod) and one object (ark).

The Three-and-One division is repeated twice for the first three octaves. God had designed the four spring feasts and the four fall feasts right from the start with this pattern in mind. God's design has eluded us for so long because no one suspects the 8th Day is the 8th feast. The number eight indeed breaks the Trinity Code.

There are other examples of the Trinity Code in the Creation account, the cherubims and Rev 5:6. There is even a Trinity code in the Pentecost feast!

Glory to God!


Rev 4:8
And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.